What we do

What we do

CCDF works with organizations and governments to articulate core priorities and develop strategic solutions. We develop practical training, tools and strategies that support the delivery of quality career services, promote evidence-based policy and practice, and build quality service systems for Canadians of all ages.

We do this by working to address what matters most.

  • Preparing youth for the workforce and ongoing learning.
  • Building the capacity of workers to skillfully manage their careers.
  • Understanding and helping to address the barriers the impede under-represented groups from accessing learning and work opportunities.
  • Helping employers to create quality workplaces that maximize worker satisfaction and productivity.
  • Reintegrating of adults entering or re-entering work or learning.
  • Helping older workers to transition to alternative avenues for work, learning and/or community engagement.

Our Services & Projects

Quality career education and services result in postive socio-economic outcomes. Yet in Canada, career development has not been high on the public policy agenda and career education in schools and services in communities remain vulnerable. CCDF is actively working to ensure career development is a public policy priority by developing strategic policy solutions and demonstrating that proves that career development interventions result in stronger citizens, communities and economies.

CCDF has a long and rich history of providing training that strengthens practitioner competence and capacity, promotes the application of innovation and evidence-based practice, respect the unique cultures, realities and wisdom of learners, supports organizational development and connects the profession as a strong and unified community of practice.

CCDF has an international reputation for building innovative curricula, resources and tools to enhance practice and achieve priority outcomes. From ground-breaking programs focused on breaking long-term cycles of dependence on social assistance to career development workshops for Canadians of all ages, CCDF produces and publishes exemplary career resources.  In a spirit of abundance, many of these resources are offered freely on the training and resource page of this site.