From Research to Practice in Career and Employment Programs and Services – A Working Symposium

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (March 2013)

From Research to Practice in Career and Employment Programs and Services – A Working Symposium was held from March 13-14th, 2013 in Ottawa, Ontario. The Symposium brought together provincial, territorial and federal service and practice leaders, distinguished Canadian researchers and research groups and an international expert. The two-day Symposium was designed as a working forum to create dialogue between research and practice, to consider the practical applications of research tools and results to improving career and employment services, to formulate a future research agenda and to move to follow-up actions in direct response to research results. It provided an opportunity for participants to learn about research that could impact their various settings, to share provincial, territorial and federal successes and challenges, to network and build working national relationships and to actively contribute to developing a national research agenda.

Tools, resources and materials available from the project:
Download: From Research to Practice Program Download: From Research to Practice Symposium Report