Join Us in Building a Home for Canadian Career Development Professionals

At long last, Career Development Professionals have an opportunity to explore the feasibility of co-creating a home that could:
- Nurture our professional identity and pride
- Support public access to, and recognition of, our full scope of services
- Promote the currency and application of our professional standards
- Furnish career development professionals coast-to-coast-to-coast with, at minimum, consistent entry-level training across the sector
- Provide a place for the sector to engage, exchange, and grow together
- Take charge of our own evidence base to demonstrate the full impact of career development
- Promote awareness and recognition of our value to individuals, employers, and governments
- Be a hub for the sharing of best practices, training, and professional development
- Nurture and share research to keep the career development sector fresh and leading-edge
- Advocate for policy, programming, and funding decisions informed by frontline wisdom, realities, and evidence
As part of the Responsive Career Pathways Initiative, the Future Skills Centre and Blueprint commissioned several research papers which have generated ideas for strengthening career and employment services. One consistent theme across these papers was a deep need for stronger supports for the sector. To explore this need, FSC has asked the Canadian Career Development Foundation and MixtMode Consulting to conduct a feasibility study to explore the establishment of a national Career Development Professional Institute that could potentially focus on 6 main objectives:
- Providing a home for the Competency Framework, National Profile, Code of Ethics, and associated resources and a hub to promote their integration and application
- Supporting CDPs to access basic, foundational training, at no to low cost, on the career development process, helping to ensure a common language and an understanding of the full scope of career development practice
- Creating and nurturing a community of practice, where CDPs can exchange and grow with respect to their practice, application of learning, and further development needs
- Establishing a central hub as a one-stop for CDPs to find out about the full range of existing training available to them, as well as professional supports/associations and national/international developments that matter to our profession
- Building a strong evidence base for our sector to inform policy and practice
- Being a unified voice to advocate for our sector and our critical contribution to the socio-economic health of individuals, communities, and our nation.
Join Us in Building Our Home
We’d like to co-create this vision with you. Please complete our survey at, visit our microsite, participate in an upcoming facilitated conversation, and join our community of practice for all updates.
Please note: the survey will close 4pm EDT on Friday May 13th and all facilitated conversations will have been completed by this date, with focus group summaries being submitted by May 15th. Our time is limited; we hope you’ll jump right in and get involved now!