Pan-Canadian Systems-Level Framework on Global Competencies

Council of Education Ministers, Canada (CMEC) (2018)

CCDF developed a framework for CMEC to support policy-makers, school leaders, educators and communities in the provinces and territories with the integration of global competencies in education. The global competency development effort in education is relatively new. There is no prescriptive model to follow. However, the research makes clear that meaningful incorporation of global competencies into curricula involves more than simply adding on more content or replacing old content. It also requires changes, leadership and participation at all levels of the systems including, but not restricted to, communication with parents, students and other stakeholders; classroom teachers’ learning (and unlearning); instructional design; assessment; relationship between classroom teachers and policy-makers; leadership; and system evaluation. As such, it assumes a whole-systems approach to the transformation and integration of these competencies.

CCDF created a user-friendly framework and self-assessment tool accessible to educational jurisdictions across Canada to fully support them in integrating the development of global competencies across early learning, elementary, secondary and post-secondary systems.