We work in partnership and advocate for policy solutions that will have the widest impact and reach.
Evidence-based research shows that quality career services result in positive socio-economic outcomes. Yet, career development has been an under-utilized policy and programming tool. CCDF works to make career development a public policy priority by promoting collaboration among strategic partners. We work with governments to develop evidence-based policy solutions, strategies/tools to maximize implementation and rigorous evaluation to demonstrate impact.
Future in Focus – Atlantic Career Development Framework for Public Education: 2015-2020
The Council of Atlantic Ministers in Education and Training (CAMET) in 2014 came together to strengthen career education and service across the Atlantic region. During the first phase of this project, CCDF completed a research report, Career Education in Atlantic Canada: Research and Recommendations, which looked at socio-economic imperatives for action in the area of career development, an environmental scan of successful programs, a compilation of international best practices and recommendations for action. CCDF was then contracted to build on their report to develop an Atlantic Career Development Framework for Public Education for the Atlantic provinces. Future in Focus – Atlantic Career Development Framework for Public Education: 2015-2020 was developed through the collaborative efforts of the CAMET, Public Education and Post-Secondary Standing Committees. The framework lays the foundation for provinces to support age-appropriate classroom-based career education, experiential exploration of post-secondary and work options, timely career and labour market information, and training for educators, including teachers, guidance counsellors and school administrators. It builds on the best career development practice data from each Atlantic Province and from around the world.
Tools, resources and materials available from the project:
Reference Framework for Successful Student Transitions
Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC)
Aware of the importance of improving student transitions, the Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC) at its 105thmeeting (July 2016) tasked their officials with drafting a student transitions reference framework. CCDF was contracted to develop it. In July 2017, CMEC endorsed the Reference Framework for Successful Student Transitions. The Framework targets transitions from K-12 and from K-12/PSE to work. At the heart of the document is the articulation of 11 Benchmarks for Good Practice in Student Transitions. The Benchmarks were developed from international evidence-based research on the key elements and performance indicators that support strong student transitions. CCDF also developed compendium tools to support the Framework’s implementation. The Student Transition Benchmark Assessment Tool and the Student Transition Benchmark Action Plan Template guide the assessment of current transition polices and programming, help jurisdictions to identify strengths and gaps and support them in setting priorities for action to ensure continued student transition to success.
Tools, resources and materials available from the project:
A Career Development Service Delivery Framework for Nunavut
Government of Nunavut, Department of Education
CCDF worked with the Government of Nunavut (GN) to develop a policy framework for the delivery of career services to Nunavummiut across the lifespan and continued working with the GN through the implementation phase.
Tools, resources and materials available from the project:
CCDF is a nationally and internationally recognized leader in the field of career development. It advocates for strategies and policies that strengthen:
• the preparation of youth for the workforce and ongoing learning;
• the capacity of workers to skillfully manage their careers;
• the capacity of employers to create quality workplaces that maximize worker satisfaction and productivity;
• the reintegration of adults entering or re-entering work or learning and;
• the transition of older workers to alternative avenues for work, learning and/or community engagement.
With national and international collaboration, our leadership and advocacy work has responded to critical needs in the career development field and for those we serve. Some of these initiatives are highlighted below:
Canadian Council for Career Development (3CD)
The Canadian Council for Career Development (3CD) is a self-initiated and self-funded umbrella group for career development associations and related partner groups from across Canada. It promotes a national advocacy voice for the career development profession and provides a vehicle for international outreach and engagement of the career development field. 3CD supports provincial/territorial collaboration on common issues including (but not limited to) policy, research, certification, training, practitioner mobility and building the career development evidence base.
CCDF is a founding member of the 3CD and manages its operation, providing leadership and coordination for the Council.
International Symposia on Career Development and Public Policy
CCDF organized and hosted the inaugural International Symposium, bringing together policy-makers, researchers and career development leaders from 14 countries to share best practices, build a common vision and articulate national action plans.
The first symposium built the foundation for an international movement that has since resulted in eight symposia. These symposia have launched many countries to action, solidifying career services and building an evidence-base for the impact of career development. The next symposium will be held in Tromso, Norway June 17-20, 2019.
Supporting Canadians to Navigate Learning and Work: Canadian Standards & Guidelines for Career Development Professionals
The Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) is partnering with the Canadian Council for Career Development (3CD) to implement the project, Supporting Canadians to Navigate Learning and Work. The project will focus on:
- Working closely with career development stakeholders across Canada to update and expand the Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners (S&Gs) so that they reflect current and emergent practice in the career development field and include the full range of professionals doing career development work across diverse settings;
- Actively supporting the adoption and implementation of the new Standards by career development professionals (CDPs), their employers, training providers and professional associations; and
- Working with all provincial associations to explore possibilities for stronger cohesion and professional mobility through a pan-Canadian approach to certification.
The project began in September 2019 and ended in September, 2021. It will built on the strong foundations established through the original S&Gs and the ongoing dedication of two 3CD working groups: the Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners (S&Gs) Working Group and the Certification Working Group. It also built on the enormous efforts and investments of provincial associations in building professional identity, promoting professional development and advancing certification.
The new Pan-Canadian Competency Framework for Career Development Professionals details the skills, knowledge, and actions demonstrated by effective career development professionals, career influencers, career educators, and thought leaders.
Tools, resources and materials available from the project:
International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP)
ICCDPP facilitates and promotes international policy sharing and learning through the international exchange of career development knowledge and information. The ICCDPP acts as a focal point for the development of career development and public policy across all countries. The purpose of the ICCDPP is to support governments to advance their policies in relation to education, workforce development and social cohesion.
CCDF was a founding member and continues to serve voluntarily on the Board of Directors.