Webinar: Making Informed Career Decisions

Labour Market Information isn’t just for economists and politicians.
Understanding the impact of Labour Market Information (LMI) on student success sounds like a high-brow, inaccessible concept, but Sareena Hopkins and Anthony Mantione break it down for you. Geared toward helping Career Development Professionals (CDPs) put into context the experience of student transitions, this one-hour webinar will be something you return to over and over.
You can download the slides, and explore LMI tools recommended by CDPs who attended the webinar at the end of the post.
Interested to learn more about LMIC and the services they offer? Sign up for their monthly newsletter!
LMI Tools As Suggested by You!
- Career In Gear
- Government of Ontario Labour Market Information
- WDB Local Employment Planning Council
- WorkBC
- Alis Alberta
- Job Bank Canada
- Government of Manitoba Labour Market Information
- Québec LMI (EN) | IMT (FR)
- NBJobs.ca | EmploisNB.ca
- LMI Nova Scotia
- Career Trek BC